Positive evaluation of U-PGx proposal!


We are excited to report that the U-PGx proposal PHC-24-2015 – Piloting personalised medicine in health and care systems has been favourably evaluated by the Commission in stage 2 evaluations. The project will have a funding volume of 14,9 million Euros and a duration of 60 months. The grant agreement is expected to be finalised within the next 3 months.

We want to thank all U-PGx consortium members and advisors for their help in turning the U-PGx vision into a reality and are looking forward to our future collaboration!

Information for attendees of the 2nd U-PGx meeting in Vienna

Attendance and reservations

Meeting agenda (March 22)

8:45 – 9:00 Arrival at meeting room (CeMSIIS, Spitalgasse 23, BT88, third floor)

9:00 – 9:20 Welcome at Medical University of Vienna, introduction, overview of goals and schedule of the meeting, overview of current state of the proposal

9:20 – 9:50: Presentation and discussions of decisions made regarding clinical study design

9:50 – 10:20 Presentation and discussion of decisions made regarding genotyping technology and logistics

(10 minute break)

10:30 – 11:00: Presentation and discussion of decisions made regarding clinical guidelines (translations, quality control, etc.)

11:00 – 12:00 Discussion on PGx decision support implementation strategies at each site with special focus on IT considerations

12:00 – 13:00  Lunch at nearby restaurant (meeting room will be locked)

13:00 – 13:30: Time allocated to read up-to-date proposal text individually

13:30 – 14:00: Work on work packages individually or in break-out groups

14:00 – 15:20: Going through and discussing the proposal document from start to finish with the whole group

  • 14:00 – 14:20: General/introductory text
  • 14:20 – 15:30 Discussion of each work package, including estimation of person hours, who is collaborating in which work package

(10 minute break)

15:40 – 16:00: Summary of progress made, to-do items for each participant, summary of required additional information (including administrative and financial data), timeline until proposal submission on April 21.

16:00  End of meeting (room will remain open until 17:00)


How to get there & around

Vienna International Airport is located 18 km from the Vienna city center. The most hassle-free way for getting to your hotel or the meeting venue is by taking a taxi, which should cost around 25 Euros per fare.

Public transport in Vienna is very good, and if you are just moving around in the inner city, walking should be fine as well. For planning travel by public transport in and around Vienna, you can use this route planning tool: http://www.wienerlinien.at/eportal2/ep/tab.do?tabId=0 (including to-from airport, in German ‘Flughafen Wien’). See the Lonely Planet Vienna guide for more detailed information.

If you want to have a glimpse of Vienna but have only limited time, walking around the inner city and visiting historic places, museums (e.g., the Leopold Museum) and parks is probably your best bet.

U-PGx meeting

When: Sunday, March 22, 9:00 – 16:00
Where: CeMSIIS, Medical University of Vienna, 3rd floor of building BT 88, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna

The meeting will start at 9 AM on Sunday, March 22. It will take place at the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems (CeMSIIS) at the Medical University of Vienna. The meeting venue is in walking distance from Hotel Boltzmann.

To find the meeting room, enter the MedUni Campus at Spitalgasse 23 (where the trams 5 and 33 stop – the station is called “Lazarettgasse”). Enter building BT 88, which is located to the right of the first building you see when first entering. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor.

Contact Matthias in case you need assistance with finding your way: +43 699 811 68 028. Please note that there is hardly any personnel around on a Sunday, so all organisation is done by Matthias personally.

instructions for getting to CeMSIIS from street

Hotel accomodation

Where: Hotel Boltzmann, Boltzmanngasse 8, 1090 Vienna

We have reserved rooms at Hotel Boltzmann. Henk-Jan will kindly sponsor Hotel costs.

Social dinner

When: Saturday, March 21, 20:00 – 22:00
Where: Café Griensteidl, Michaelerplatz 2, 1010 Vienna.

We have reserved seats for a casual get-together at a classical Viennese Café in the city center, Café Griensteidl, for 8 PM on Saturday, March 21. You can order food (including vegetarian dishes) a la carte, Henk-Jan will kindly sponsor the event.

The Café is 1,5 km away from your hotel. Walking is possible, but you might want to speed things up by taking two tramway stops (from Sensengasse to Schottentor) and walking the remaining distance.


Click here for an interactive map on Google maps



How to find your way to the Rotterdam meeting



From Amsterdam – Schiphol Airport there are fast trains (InterCity Direct) to Rotterdam, leaving every 30 minutes (8:09/08:38/09:09/etc; usually from track 5-6). Time to Rotterdam Central Station is 27 min. Tickets can be purchased on Schiphol train station. Please note a supplement is required on InterCity Direct.


From Rotterdam Central Station, either taxi (10 min) to Erasmus MC – Entrance Wytemaweg 80 (at Sophia Children’s Hospital. Do NOT go to Erasmus MC main entrance!) or metro (10 minutes). You can reach Erasmus MC by taking metro in direction Slinge or De Akkers (D-line). Transfer at the second stop (Beurs) to line C, direction Schiedam or (also) De Akkers. Exit 3rd stop: “Dijkzigt”. Walk to the tallest building: this is the Na-building, entrance Wytemaweg.


From Rotterdam Central Station, either taxi (10 min) or metro (6 minutes). For metro: direction Slinge or De Akkers (D-line), exit at stop LEUVEHAVEN.


After the meeting at Day 1, a bus will depart at 17:00 from Erasmus MC Wytemaweg to Mainport Hotel. On day 2, there will be a bus at 8:00 from Mainport Hotel to Erasmus MC. For alternatives, either taxi Wytemaweg 80, or a 10-12 minute walk along the Westzeedijk towards Parking Westzeedijk, and use Entrance 5. You will be at the Na-building. With metro, from stop LEUVEHAVEN 1 stop to Beurs, then transfer to the C-line, exit at second stop: DIJKZIGT (8 min). Walk to tallest building: entrance Wytemaweg.

rotterdam map 1


On day 1 (Feb 10), a bus will leave from Mainport Hotel at 18:30 to the EuroMast. The bus will depart again from EuroMast to the hotel at 22:15.


The Dept. Clinical Chemistry (Na-402) is located at the 4th floor Na-Building. There will be signs from entrance Wytemaweg and Entrance 5. The Bioscoopzaal Sophia is located on the third Floor of the Erasmus MC Sophia. Signs will be directing you. The OWR rooms are in the Onderwijscentrum: second floor, entrance next to Entrance 5 and Na-building.

 rotterdam map 2


Henk-Jan Guchelaar
+31 6 122 55630

Dept. Clinical Pharmacy & Toxicology
Leiden University Medical Center
+31 71 526 2790