List of deliverables WP11 – Dissemination and communication, including regulatory, insurance companies


D11.1 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in Spain (PDF)

D11.2 – 1st version of the public-domain web-based U-PGx information portal (PDF)

D11.3 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in Austria (PDF)

D11.4 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in France (PDF)

D11.5 – Organization of the 1st patient/general public oriented PGx information event (PDF)

D11.6 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in Sweden (PDF)

D11.7 – 2nd version of the public-domain web-based U-PGx information portal

D11.8 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in Germany

D11.9 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in UK

D11.10 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in Slovenia

D11.11 – Organization of the 2nd patient/general public oriented PGx information event

D11.12 – Organization of a U-PGx Personalized Medicine Day in Greece

D11.13 – Organization of a major 4-day U-PGx Personalized Medicine Symposium in Leiden, the Netherlands

D11.14 – 3rd version of the public-domain web-based U-PGx information portal