Applications of omics systems biology technologies have enormous promise for radiology and diagnostics in surgical fields. In this context, the emerging fields of radiomics (a systems scale approach to radiology usinga host of technologies, including omics) and pharmacometabolomics (use of metabolomics for patient and disease stratification and guiding precision medicine) offer much synergy for diagnostic innovation in surgery, particularly in neurosurgery. This synthesis of omics fields and applications is timely because diagnostic accuracy in central nervous system tumors still challenges decision-making. Considering the vast heterogeneity in brain tumors, disease phenotypes, and interindividual variability in surgical and chemotherapy outcomes, we believe that diagnostic accuracy can be markedly improved by quantitative radiomics coupled to pharmacometabolomics and related health information technologies while optimizing economic costs of traditional diagnostics. In this expert review, we present an innovation analysis on a systems-level multi-omics approach toward diagnostic accuracy in central nervous system tumors. For this, we suggest that glioblastomas serve as a useful application paradigm. We performed a literature search on PubMed for articles published in English between 2006 and 2016. We used the search terms “radiomics,” “glioblastoma,” “biomarkers,” “pharmacogenomics,” “pharmacometabolomics,” “pharmacometabonomics/pharmacometabolomics,” “collaborative informatics,” and “precision medicine.” A list of the top 4 insights we derived from this literature analysis is presented in this study. For example, we found that (i) tumor grading needs to be better refined, (ii) diagnostic precision should be improved, (iii) standardization in radiomics is lacking, and (iv) quantitative radiomics needs to prove clinical implementation. We conclude with an interdisciplinary call to the metabolomics, pharmacy/pharmacology, radiology, and surgery communities that pharmacometabolomics coupled to information technologies (chemoinformatics tools, databases, collaborative systems) can inform quantitative radiomics, thus translating Big Data and information growth to knowledge growth, rational drug development and diagnostics innovation for glioblastomas, and possibly in other brain tumors.
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Katsila T, Matsoukas MT, Patrinos GP, Kardamakis D. Pharmacometabolomics Informs Quantitative Radiomics for Glioblastoma Diagnostic Innovation. OMICS. 2017 Aug;21(8):429-439. doi: 10.1089/omi.2017.0087.